A photo of my Agfa CL18 sitting on my desk mat

Agfa ePhoto CL18

A small 0.4 megapixel point-and-shoot digital camera from 2000 that was poor for the standards back then. There is a delay of many seconds between pressing the shutter button and the photo actually being taken. Mine also has a dead pixel on the sensor.

I get some interesting shots from it, but there's no way to tell what's actually been captured until it's been plugged in and its photos (32 at most, at 640x480) have been slurped up by gphoto, which I have to build from source because support for this camera was removed from the default build a long time ago.

I intend to use this camera during the December 2024 Shitty Camera Challenge.


A dark shot of my laptop on my desk, my kid's hand motion-blurred over the keyboardA pink neon EL-wire sign in a shop window stating

Page Created: 2024-11-30

Last Updated: 2024-11-30

Last Reviewed: 2024-11-30